Flaxseed is a Green-Green food. Green-Green foods are very safe to eat as a regular part of a diet.
Category Quotes
Guideline related quotes related to Nuts and Green-Green throughout Geoff Bond's publications.
All tree nuts are acceptable sources of good protein, as well as products made from them ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.48
Nuts are a natural food for humans to be consuming. All tree nuts are generally fine. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.72
Nuts should be raw and fresh. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.72
Nuts classified "Green-Green" have a high omega-3 content. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.73
For Green and Green-Green categories, All nuts must be fresh, raw, and unsalted. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.73
Examples of one serving include 1/3 cup nuts; 2 tablespoons almond, cashew, etc. butter (not peanut butter). ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.95
For nuts group, Consume at least seven servings of “Green-Green” foods per week. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.103
For nuts group, Restrict total nuts servings per session to one. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.103
For nuts group, Restrict total nuts servings per day to two. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.103
Nuts are often called "tree-nuts" to distinguish them from the peanut, which grows underground and is a legume. ~Deadly Harvest p.64
Additional Quotes
Specific references to Flaxseed throughout Geoff Bond's publications.
Seeds are the small, hard kernels of flowering plants that, when planted in the ground, will germinate and grow into a new plant. Examples are flaxseed, sesame seed, hemp seed, and rapeseed (canola). ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.59
Omega-3 EFAs are found in plants and animal matter. In plants, the most common form is alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), found particularly in walnuts, flaxseed, hempseed, and rapeseed (canola oil). In animals, omega-3 oils are particularly found in "oily" fish, such as sardines, salmon, trout, and tuna. ~Deadly Harvest p.104
The food industry should correct this imbalance. One of the secrets to the Greek free-range egg is the omega-3-rich purslane that the chickens were eating. Now some egg farmers are producing omega-3 rich eggs by feeding the chicken on flaxseed, which is itself rich in omega-3s. ~Deadly Harvest p.129
Abnormal testosterone production is a major risk factor for prostate cancer. Some compounds, such as lignans, lock up testosterone and stop it from creating damage. Lignans are a kind of plant fiber. The highest concentrations of lignans are found in flaxseed, followed by squash, broccoli, carrots, and asparagus. Studies on flaxseed, which also contain high levels of omega-3 oils and fiber, show that they are indeed great cancer fighters. ~Deadly Harvest p.236
Abnormal testosterone production is a major risk factor for prostate cancer. Some compounds, such as lignans, lock up testosterone and stop it from creating damage. Lignans are a kind of plant fiber. The highest concentrations of lignans are found in flaxseed, followed by squash, broccoli, carrots, and asparagus. ~Deadly Harvest p.236