Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is a Green-Yellow food. Green-Yellow foods are normally safe for daily consumption but be careful.

Category Quotes

Guideline related quotes related to Fats-Oils, Plant-Oils and Green-Yellow throughout Geoff Bond's publications.

Certain saturated fats derived from plants, like coconut oil and cocoa butter, have become a fetish consumption by some health mavens. Actually, none of these fats was common in our savanna environment but, by a quirk of triglyceride biochemistry, their palmitic and myristic acids (the harmful fatty acids found in saturated fats) are not readily bioavailable. This means they are not readily taken in by the body. As a result, they do not have the devastating effect on our biochemistry that those fats of animal origin do. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.41

Additional Quotes

Specific references to Cocoa butter throughout Geoff Bond's publications.

Certain saturated fats derived from plants, like coconut oil and cocoa butter, have become a fetish consumption by some health mavens. Actually, none of these fats was common in our savanna environment but, by a quirk of triglyceride biochemistry, their palmitic and myristic acids (the harmful fatty acids found in saturated fats) are not readily bioavailable. This means they are not readily taken in by the body. As a result, they do not have the devastating effect on our biochemistry that those fats of animal origin do. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.41

That is to say, the position of these fatty acids on the glycerol molecule is an important factor. In this way, for exam­ple, cocoa butter and coconut oil and butter have a more favorable category than a simple examination of their saturated fat content would have predicted. In all cases, fats and oils should be consumed with restraint ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.74

There are dozens of fatty acids, most of which are either neutral or harmful to health. Saturated myristic acid and palmitic acid are aggressive to arteries. They are particularly found in butter, cream, cheese, beef, pork, and lamb. Palmitic acid is also the chief component of palm oil, which is used in processed foods. However, the body converts another saturated fat, stearic acid (particularly found in cocoa butter), into oleic acid (as found in olive oil). Oleic acid, which dominates the family of monounsaturated fats, is neutral on the body. Olive oil is "good" because it does no harm. ~Deadly Harvest p.106

cocoa butter, which contains 60% saturated fat, finds 95% of it parked harmlessly in positions 1 and 3.36 Harmless monounsaturated fats occupy 85% of position 2, from where fatty acids are easily absorbed. That is why cocoa is far less cholesterolemic than a simple examination of its saturated fat content would suggest. ~Deadly Harvest p.107

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