All other shellfish

All other shellfish not listed in Green-Green and Green shellfish sections is included here.

All other shellfish is a Green food. Green foods are safe to eat as a regular part of a diet.

Category Quotes

Guideline related quotes related to Fish-Shellfish and Green throughout Geoff Bond's publications.

Examples of one serving include 3 oz (size of a deck of cards) cooked meat or poultry; 3 oz grilled fish; 1 egg. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.95

For the meat, poultry, eggs, and fish group, Preferably consume two servings a day of “Green-Green” foods. If unavailable, you can consume two servings a day of “Green” foods. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.102

For the meat, poultry, eggs, and fish group Restrict total food group servings per session to one. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.102

For the meat, poultry, eggs, and fish group, Restrict total food group servings per day to two. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.102

Additional Quotes

Specific references to All other shellfish throughout Geoff Bond's publications.

All seafood is an acceptable component of the Savanna Model feeding pattern. The "oily fish," rich in omega-3 oils, are best, such as wild salmon, sardines, herring, and mackerel. Other fish and shellfish have an excellent essential fatty acid profile and are also good. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.70

Eskimos hunted fish, seal, whale, walrus, musk ox, caribou, polar bears, wolves, birds, rabbits, ducks, and geese. They ate every part of the animal—brains, blood, intestines, and even the feces. On occasion, the women would gather eggs, crabs, mollusks, and shellfish. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.119

Our ancestors were not alone in the savanna. They shared the land with a wide variety of creatures: giraffe, lion, elephant, warthog, rhinoceros, hyena, antelope, gazelle, zebra, baboons, chimpanzees, vultures, eagles, flamingos, and many more. In addition, there were snakes, porcupines, crocodiles, lizards, tortoises, snails, grasshoppers, and a myriad of small mammals, reptiles, and insects. The lakes, streams, and waterholes teemed with many species of freshwater fish, shellfish, frogs, toads, ducks, geese, and other aquatic creatures. ~Deadly Harvest p.13

Game birds like guinea fowl, francolin, and bustard are captured in cunning snares. Ostrich is hunted on occasion. As mentioned earlier, the San do not have much access to water, but when they get the chance, they spear fish, trap toads, and collect shellfish. ~Deadly Harvest p.16

For Aborigines, The animal food collected would be eggs, turtles, snakes, shellfish, crabs, caterpillars (e.g., the witchety grub and the bogong moth), land snails, and the goanna (a giant lizard). Sweet foods were very rare but much prized. Disproportionate amounts of time were spent on finding a bees' nest to smoke out. Other sweetmeats were the honey ant, gorged with nectar, and "lerp," a sweet insect secretion on eucalyptus leaves. In times of scarcity, grass seeds were collected, winnowed, and ground between two handheld stones. The drudgery of this task was viewed with such distaste that it was only done very rarely. ~Deadly Harvest p.19

30,000 years ago, the Cro-Magnons of Europe ate fish, turtles, shellfish, and birds. Meanwhile the Neanderthals, who lived alongside them, ate reindeer, mammoth, and other large herbivores. ~Deadly Harvest p.22

At the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), meat is the term applied to the flesh of domesticated mammals, such as cattle, pig, and sheep. More conventionally, this is known as "red meat," which is the designation used here. Similarly, "game" refers to the flesh of any wild land animal, such as wild boar or pheasant. "White meat" refers to flesh taken from domesticated birds, such as chickens, and "seafood" refers to fish and shellfish. We will look at both wild and domesticated sources of animal products. The USDA does not include certain classes of animal foods that were common in our ancestors' diet— the "exotic" categories of reptiles, worms, insects, and gastropods (snails and slugs). ~Deadly Harvest p.58

Our ancient ancestors certainly consumed fish and shellfish on a modest scale— up to 12% of calories according to Michael Crawford, professor of nutrition at London Metropolitan University. As we saw in Chapter 1, fish were speared and trapped as the occasion presented itself. Pleistocene man (or more likely women) easily collected shellfish along the shoreline of African lakes and rivers. ~Deadly Harvest p.62

The farming of shellfish, mainly mussels, oysters, shrimps, and prawns, has been carried out on a minor scale for centuries in Europe and Japan. Again, since the 1970s, rapid advances in technology have allowed the farm production of shrimp and prawns to explode. They have elbowed out the wild variety. The farming of clams, crayfish, oysters, and mussels is also growing fast. ~Deadly Harvest p.62

The fish and shellfish consumed in our ancestral diet were entirely of freshwater varieties. On the other hand, modern fish farming is concentrated mostly on seafood. It appears that this is not an important distinction—if there is a problem with aquaculture, it is with the way the creatures are often fed and the pollutants that get into their bodies. ~Deadly Harvest p.62

Humans evolved in an area, the African Rift Valley, that was endowed with lakes and streams. Humans of that time freely consumed shellfish, fish, wading birds, and ducks and their eggs. Leigh Broadhurst calculates that the quantities consumed did not have to be large— just 6% to 12% of calories. ~Deadly Harvest p.106

Frozen poultry, fish, seafood, and exotic meats are fine ( . . . ) ~Deadly Harvest p.166

What causes an allergen disease? Pollen? Cat dander? Shellfish? Peanuts? These are some of the answers likely to be given by the average person, yet he or she would be wrong. All of these substances certainly have strong links to allergic reaction. Indeed, allergy counselors would add milk, soy, and wheat to the list. However these cannot be root causes. If so, everyone would suffer from allergen disease. The root problem is not the triggers (pollen, peanuts, etc.), but a failure of the body's defenses, the immune system. ~Deadly Harvest p.245

Our ancient ancestors had high intakes of omega-3 fatty acids from sources that included fish and shellfish from lakes and rivers. Both a high consumption of omega-3 oils, including fish and fish oils, and the absence of saturated fats help lower your risk. ~Deadly Harvest p.254

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