
Crab is a Green food. Green foods are safe to eat as a regular part of a diet.

Category Quotes

Guideline related quotes related to Fish-Shellfish and Green throughout Geoff Bond's publications.

Examples of one serving include 3 oz (size of a deck of cards) cooked meat or poultry; 3 oz grilled fish; 1 egg. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.95

For the meat, poultry, eggs, and fish group, Preferably consume two servings a day of “Green-Green” foods. If unavailable, you can consume two servings a day of “Green” foods. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.102

For the meat, poultry, eggs, and fish group Restrict total food group servings per session to one. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.102

For the meat, poultry, eggs, and fish group, Restrict total food group servings per day to two. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.102

Additional Quotes

Specific references to Crab throughout Geoff Bond's publications.

Eskimos hunted fish, seal, whale, walrus, musk ox, caribou, polar bears, wolves, birds, rabbits, ducks, and geese. They ate every part of the animal—brains, blood, intestines, and even the feces. On occasion, the women would gather eggs, crabs, mollusks, and shellfish. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.119

For Aborigines, The animal food collected would be eggs, turtles, snakes, shellfish, crabs, caterpillars (e.g., the witchety grub and the bogong moth), land snails, and the goanna (a giant lizard). Sweet foods were very rare but much prized. Disproportionate amounts of time were spent on finding a bees' nest to smoke out. Other sweetmeats were the honey ant, gorged with nectar, and "lerp," a sweet insect secretion on eucalyptus leaves. In times of scarcity, grass seeds were collected, winnowed, and ground between two handheld stones. The drudgery of this task was viewed with such distaste that it was only done very rarely. ~Deadly Harvest p.19

Eskimos hunted fish, seal, whale, walrus, musk ox, caribou, polar bears, wolves, birds, rabbits, ducks, and geese. They ate every part of the animal—brains, blood, intestines and even the feces. On occasion, the women would gather eggs, crabs, mollusks, and shellfish. ~Deadly Harvest p.90

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