
Avocado is a Green food. Green foods are safe to eat as a regular part of a diet.

Category Quotes

Guideline related quotes related to Non-Starchy and Green throughout Geoff Bond's publications.

Eat at least 2 3/4 lbs of mixed salad and vegetables per day, consisting of "Green-Green” and “Green” foods. Of these, at least 3/4 lb should be mixed salad. Also include at least 5 cups of “Green-Green” leafy vegetables or 2 1/2 cups of other vegetables per week. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.102

Additional Quotes

Specific references to Avocado throughout Geoff Bond's publications.

Monounsaturated fats were quite common in our ancestral environment, particularly in the marrow of bones and many nuts. Our bodies know how to handle them in a healthy way. Health benefits of monounsaturated fats include lowering cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, and enhancing cell building and the immune system. Today, our most common source is olive oil. Avocado is another good source. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.41

Oats, of all the grains, contain rather more soluble fiber than average, a quality that manufacturers promote as cholesterol-reducing and therefore hearthealthy. This, nevertheless, is not a valid argument: They are still glycemic, contain anti-nutrients and antigens, and are deficient in micronutrients. Oats are no alternative to proper plant food, like lettuce and avocado. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.59

The idea of eating salad for breakfast does indeed run counter to our Western cultural programming, but it is something that many societies do, notably in Africa. A copious mixed salad with some avocado, tuna flakes, or shrimp makes a great start to the day. Again, make it a large portion— at least one pound per person. It is not really so much: One large tomato, one cucumber, some onion, and some lettuce leaves make 9 oz of plant food. Round it off with 3 oz of canned tuna, and you have a hearty breakfast. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.87

Depending on how you started the day, you can snack on an avocado, a handful of raw unsalted nuts, or a big bowl of homemade vegetable soup. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.88

Above ground, the edible part can be the stem, bud, leafstalk, leaf, bean pod, or the immature flower. In addition, there are some fruits, such as the avocado and tomato, which are included in the vegetable category. Indeed, most people think of them and use them as vegetables, so they are surprised to hear that, botanically, avocado and tomato are fruits. A large percentage of our ancestors' food supply came from vegetation that was levered out of the ground with a digging stick. Today, we still eat many foods that grow underground— roots, tubers, bulbs, and corms (solid bulbs). ~Deadly Harvest p.54

The vegetables from above ground cover a huge range of plant parts: stems, such as asparagus from the Mediterranean and kohlrabi from Europe; buds, such as Brussels sprouts from Belgium; leafstalks, such as celery from the Mediterranean and rhubarb from Asia; leaves, such as Europe's cabbage, lettuce, and spinach; immature flowers, such as cauliflower from Europe, broccoli from Turkey, and artichoke from the western Mediterranean; immature fruits, such as eggplant from southern Asia and cucumber from northern India; mature "vegetable-fruits," such as tomato from Peru, avocado from Central America, and bell pepper from the Andes; edible bean pods, such as runner beans from tropical America; and edible fungi (mushrooms) from just about everywhere. Of course, today, these plants are grown all over the world, wherever farmers can produce them economically. ~Deadly Harvest p.56

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