Turkey Breast (no skin)
Turkey Breast (no skin) is a Green food. Green foods are safe to eat as a regular part of a diet.
Category Quotes
Guideline related quotes related to Poultry-Farmed and Green throughout Geoff Bond's publications.
For the meat, poultry, eggs, and fish group, Preferably consume two servings a day of “Green-Green” foods. If unavailable, you can consume two servings a day of “Green” foods. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.102
To be in conformity with the Savanna Model Use only omega-3-rich, free-range, organic hen’s eggs. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.102
For the meat, poultry, eggs, and fish group Restrict total food group servings per session to one. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.102
For the meat, poultry, eggs, and fish group, Restrict total food group servings per day to two. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.102
Additional Quotes
Specific references to Turkey Breast (no skin) throughout Geoff Bond's publications.
The low-fat parts of farm fowl, such as skinless chicken and turkey breast, are good in modest quantities. You should reduce consumption of other parts as much as possible. All parts of duck and goose are fine. Wild birds such as pheasant, grouse, and pigeon are fully conforming. ~Paleo in a Nutshell p.70